This study aims to analyze President Park's decision in formulating the GSOMIA (General Security of Military Agreement) cooperation. It is carried out using descriptive qualitative methods and secondary data collection techniques from literature studies, and relies on the Decision-Making Process theory of Richard C. Snyder which looks at the subjective factors of the main decision makers. This study shows that for the first time, South Korea and Japan managed to reach an agreement on military information exchange cooperation (GSOMIA) in 2016. After being delayed for four years, President Park Geun-Hye insisted on realizing GSOMIA in the midst of a crisis due to public rejection. It was found through policy analysis related to the formulation of GSOMIA from the South Korean point of view that President Park's perspective was shaped by several factors. Factors originating from internal South Korea are President Park's desire to increase South Korea's military capabilities. Meanwhile, the external factor that became the reason for the realization of GSOMIA was President Park's desire to protect the country from threats.
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