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Discover the Indonesian Journal of International Relations (IJIR), a prestigious, peer-reviewed publication committed to examining a diverse array of international relations themes on regional and global scales. With a special emphasis on Indonesia's international relations and insightful analytical work from Indonesia's perspective, IJIR strives to enrich and advance the field of International Relations.
IJIR aims to publish high-quality academic articles and foreign policy considerations. The journal welcomes a wide variety of articles, including topics in diplomacy and foreign policy, international security and strategy, global political economy, international cooperation, and development, as well as gender and environmental issues in international relations. All articles are subjected to a blinded peer-review process and aim to provide valuable insights to international readers.
IJIR accepts original manuscripts in Bahasa Indonesia or English and is a bi-annual online publication with a limited print edition.
IJIR issues twice a year, ranging from September to February, and March to August of each year.
IJIR is the official journal of the Indonesian International Relations Association (Asosiali Ilmu Hubungan International Indonesia/AIHII) and is published by the association. As of 2024, AIHII comprises 73 International Relations Study Programs and Epistemic communities in the International Relations subfield. AIHII is dedicated to advancing the study and practice of international relations in Indonesia, and one of its initiatives in this regard is the sponsorship and publication of IJIR.
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Editorial Office of The Indonesian Journal of International Relations (IJIR)
Jl. R.S. Fatmawati No. 1, Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan, 12450, Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 7656871
Fax: +62 21 7656904
WA: +62 852 8506 8248
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]