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International Journal of International Relations (IJIR)
Title of Article (14pt, bold, centered)
The Title should be brief and clear, not exceed 14 words for Bahasa Indonesia or 10 words for English, all caps, Times New Roman 14 pt, single-spaced (spacing 1) bold, centered.
Author Identity
1) Author’s name(s) (11 pt)
2) Author’s affiliation(s) (10 pt)
3) Author’s email address, afiliation or institusional email is preferred (10 pt)
Abstract (11pt, Italic, Bold)
The abstract should be written in both Bahasa and English. For an article in English, the abstract order is Bahasa (italic) then English. It is vice versa for an article in Bahasa. The abstract should be a single paragraph that briefly describes the purpose of the study, theory and method(s), results and discussion, conclusion and significance of the study. The abstract is clearly described as the core of the study in one paragraph, single space, between 100-150 words, Times New Roman 11 font, Indent Left.
Keyword (11pt, Italic, Bold)
Provide a maximum of 3 to 5 keywords (words or phrase) chosen to reflect the concept of the article and to help access to searches on the Internet. The keyword should be written in alphabetical order. Written in single space (1.0) with Times New Roman 11 font, spacing before and after, italic, lowercase letters, separated by a semicolon (;).
INTRODUCTION (Capital letter, Times New Roman 12 pt, Bold, Indent Left)
The introduction provides the research background, the formulation of the problem stems from an imbalance between "das sein" (empirical conditions/reality level) and "das sollen" (ideal conditions/theoretical level). It is containing the relevant previous research to show the analysis gap and the author's position in this study, novelty contributions. Point out the research questions, the author's arguments, and the purpose of writing the article. (12 pt)
There are no subsections in this introduction.
ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK (Capital letter, Times New Roman 12 pt, Bold, Indent Left)
The analytical framework contains the theories, concepts, approaches or perspectives/paradigms used to analyze the cases or topics of study. The naming of the analytical framework can be adjusted or replaced by using a name/term that reflects the conceptual or theoretical framework used (example: Liberalism in Interdependence Relations). (12 pt)
RESEARCH METHOD (Capital letter, Times New Roman 12 pt, Bold, Indent Left)
The research method contains the method used in this study. The author(s) has to explain the details of research procedures; sources of data; the techniques of data collection; and data analysis. (12 pt)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS (Capital letter, Times New Roman 12 pt, Bold, Indent Left)
The results and discussions show the results of the study and deep analysis or discussion which answer the research questions. Also, the author(s) must discuss the findings by strengthening the reason with supporting details taken from any references such as scientific journal, book, and other reliable sources. (12 pt).
In this section the author can add separate sections (subsections and sub-sections), figures and tables.
CONCLUSION (Capital letter, Times New Roman 12 pt, Bold, Indent Left)
The conclusion section does not contain repetition or excerpts from the discussion section. It contains concluding paragraph and provides the implication, limitation, and suggestion for further study. (12 pt)
Subsection, Figures and Tables, Quotation
Title of sub-section (capitalize each word, Times New Roman 12 pt, Italic, Indent Left).
sub-section is possible to discuss or discuss matters that cannot be combined into other subsections and sorted according to the elements/components/variables in the analysis framework.
Figures and Tables (Times New Roman 12 pt, bold, Indent Left)
Figures and tables are placed in the body of the sentence or paragraph body and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, so on) and written with caption and source of the figure and table. The table captions are written above the table (12pt, Bold), while the figure captions below the figure (10 pt, Indent Left).
The manuscript uses a direct quote system. Quotations that are less than 5 (five) lines are combined in the text, while quotation with more than 4 (five) lines are separated from the text with a spacing of 1.5 pt and enclosed in quotation marks. The author's surname is written before or after the quote. The author's sir name is written in parentheses followed by a comma, the year of publication followed by a colon, and then the page number as written as follows (Bryan, 1998: 57). If the author is more than three people, only the first author's sir name appeared followed by et al., like the following example (Berry et al., 2009: 87). If the subject matter is in several pages, then the method of writing is as follows (Bryan, 1998: 57-63), or if the subject matter is the entire text, then the method of writing is as follows (Blake, 1998).
Footnote, if necessary, explains certain concepts or sources from the website:
In English:
1)Piccone, T. & B. Yusman. (2014). Indonesia Foreign Policy: A Million Friends and Zero Enemies. Retrieved at May 3, 2017: (times news roman, 10 pt)
In Bahasa Indonesia:
2)Kaldor, M. (2007). New Wars and Human Security. Diambil 22 April 2017 dari files_mf /1391450911d11 Kaldor.pdf
3)Konsepsi isolationist mengacu pada perilaku para penstudi wilayah awal di Amerika Serikat yang cenderung mengkaji wilayah lain hanya dari sudut pandangnya sendiri (Wirth, 1952: 633)
REFERENCES (Capital letter, 12pt, Bold, Indent Left)
The References must consist of all sources cited in the article. All the sources should be under 10 years from its publication unless historical study. Sixty per cent (60%) of the references should be taken from the journal article. The reference uses the Mendeley reference management system, Zotero, and Endnote. (12 pt)
Follow the styles shown in the examples below for the journal article, specific chapters in books, and books, respectively:
Gustafsson, K., & Hanssen, L. H. (2019). Long live pacifism! Narrative power and Japan’s pacifist model. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 42(4), 502-520. doi:10.1080/09557571.2019.1623174
Weiss, T. G., & Thakur, R. (2015). Framing Global Governance, Five Gaps. In M. Steger, The Global Studies Reader. New York: Oxford University Press.
Acharya, A. (2018). The End of American World Order. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Please download the manuscript template from the link here: Bahasa Indonesia and English.
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